
Updated for Winter

Team Training

Lakers teams generally train weekly with their coach. Training times are arranged each season by the Team Manager and the Lakers Committee. Every effort is made to accomodate all players and coaches being able to attend training.

Players should be on time, and bring with them:

  • Correctly sized basketball
  • Appropriate footwear and clothing
  • Drink bottle
  • Positive attitude


Training Courts

All Lakers teams train at either Mount Lilydale Mercy College in the Doyle Centre gymnasium or Bradshaw Building (Old Gym) or nearby at Lilydale Heights College.

From time-to-time due to school events, teams may be required to make use of the outdoor courts in the school grounds.

It is very important that we respectfully use the College facilities, and NO tolerance will be given to any player, child, or parent who causes any breakage or damage. Parents/Carers are to be in full control of their children. The toilet areas must be kept clean and tidy, and children shall not use this area to play in.

Your safety and the safety of your children is our top priority.

We thank you for your understanding.

Mount Lilydale Mercy College
120 Anderson St, Lilydale VIC 3140

Lilydale Heights College
17-19 Nelson Rd, Lilydale VIC 3140